Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Challenge Results

1. At first my thoughts of my gifts and talents went straight to the artsy/crafty arena. I can pretty much do anything with my hands that I set my mind to and I have the ability to look at something and be able to duplicate although some things take a little more looking (and possibly taking apart) than others. But I think those are all the easy answers. Beyond these things, I believe that God has blessed me with the ability to be a caregiver and a mom.

2. My interests and desires go back to the artsy/crafty area. If I had a day to do anything I wanted, you would probably find me at my sewing machine piecing a quilt. I don't care much for the actual quilting of the things but I could "piece" quilts all the time. I love to see the fabric scraps turn into something useful.

3. I have so many areas to improve that I don't know where to start so I'll just dive in. Studying and reading my Bible, cleaning my house, being organized, cleaning my house, spending more time with the older boys, cleaning my house, being more disciplined with my computer time and working rather than playing games, and last, but not least, cleaning my house.

4. I am currently working on cooking more often (those that know me well know that that's a real challenge) and cooking somewhat healthy. I'm also working on decluttering not only my house but my life.

5. At the moment, Preston is probably first on the importance list in my life although I know it should be my relationship with God. I'm just so worried about him and what is to come in his/our lives in the not-so-distant future, that I cannot help having him at the top.

6. At this point in life, I really don't know what the desire of my heart is. Maybe to have a "normal" life again, maybe not to have to check the caller id before answering every time the phone rings, maybe not to cry every single day that goes by....I'll have to think more about this one.

A challenge from Charis

My friend, Charis, posted a week or so ago with a weekend challenge that I planned on doing, but haven't really gotten around to it. I've pondered it quite a bit though. The challenge was as follows:

Gather a notebook, pen, and your Bible. You will need to leave room on your paper for 6 headings with plenty of room under each. The following titles will comprise your headings:

1. Gifts/Talents/Skills: List all the gifts, talents and skills you can think of that God has bestowed upon you.

2. Interests and Passions: What do you enjoy doing most? If you had a free day all to yourself, what would you most likely be found doing?

3. Areas to Improve Upon: List all those areas where you know you need improvement in your life.

4. Working On: List the areas in which you are currently trying to improve.

5. Priorities: Who or what is or should be taking first place in your life. Be truthful and be willing to change if need be.

6. Desire of My Heart: What is the desire of your heart?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cancer SUCKS

Today we attended a memorial service for our dear friend Robb. Robb was only 43 and had battled colon cancer for 6 1/2 years. It's really hitting me hard. Robb was only 2 months older than my husband, Dana, and was diagnosed 1 month prior to Dana. We met him when they, along with 3 other brave men, were on the same clinical trial back in 2002. As of this week, Dana is the "last man standing" in that initial group of warriors. Although, many warriors have come and gone and more still to come, Robb has a special place with us. Whether it was the same year of birth, the same diagnosis at such an early age (37), his valliant way of fighting the battle, or maybe all of the above, I don't think there'll ever be another "Robb" in our cancer journey. It was wonderful to hear everyone speak of the pre-cancer Robb, the Robb that we didn't know. The Robb that was very sought after on the speaking circuit and in the world of his business. The Robb that was always so "well dressed"....I had to think and I don't think I've ever seen him with his shirt tail tucked in or with a pair of dress shoes on. I guess we got to know Robb Uncut. We had the pleasure of meeting him at the cancer center at Vanderbilt every Wednesday morning and routinely going to "our corner" for YEARS. Robb always called this group of men his "Chemo Buddies". They were so much more than that. They were there for each others struggles, victories, and illnesses. They were there to share skin remedies for that awful acne caused by the trial drug, ABX-EFG. They were there to joke with one another about playing poker for Immodium....noone cared about money...these guys needed their diarrhea to stop. One of the "chemo buddies", Don, put it so well one day.....he said "This medicine (and motioned in a circle of all of us with our chairs in a circle) is so much better than this medicine (and pointed to the chemotherapy that was being pumped into his veins)." I don't think anyone could have said it any better. Now, we must continue on this journey, knowing that we're not the last ones left but we are the last ones left in a very special group and it's hard today, it's going to be hard tomorrow, and it's going to continue to be hard for weeks to come. Robb......know that we love you, we're so happy that you're pain free, and walking with the Lord. We can't wait to see you again.